A parent commented, “When one of my sons came home he would have a complete breakdown and rage for a full hour and we would send him to his room to “get it all out”. When we started time in, it cut his “moments” down from an hour to 3 minutes or ZERO! Sending him away when he was having a hard time perpetuated his fear of being alone. DUH!!!!! Took us a minute to figure that out.”
It can be this simple parents. Put on your thinking caps as my grade school teacher used to say and work out your own strategies for your family. Get the kids involved if you can. Yes, it does take some time. I know you are busy. But these few moments could actually end the agonizing time that an ensuing melt-down would take. Not to mention the emotional and physical drain these disruptive events take on us as parents. Want to read more? Click here