- If a child “learns” to behave out of fear of punishment, what are they really learning? Are they learning what is the right and best action, or learning how to avoid punishment?
- Hug your children not so that they will hug you back, but so that they will hug their children, and that your grandchildren will hug their children.
- It is not the children that need to be changed, but the parents. If we can just understand that it is not a behavior problem, but a brain problem, an emotional problem, a fear of abandonment problem and even more significant — a parenting problem, but not a behavior problem. (Note: This is not to blame parents. But to inspire and motivate us toward the solutions we seek. This much we can control)
- Something from author Pam Leo, who we have quoted before…”You can’t teach children to behave better by making them feel worse. When children feel better they behave better.” Is this not just as true for you and me?
- Just Breathe short 3 min. video… Just Breathe and be mindful and see what happens, or doesn’t happen. https://youtu.be/RVA2N6tX2cg